Altri prodotti
De la Vallée Poussin interpolation method for image resizingPresentazione |
A new product integration rule for the finite Hilbert transformPoster |
Image resizing by Lagrange and de la Vallée Poussin type interpolationPresentazione |
Optimal Lebesgue constants on the squarePoster |
Filtered polynomial interpolation on the square at tensor-product Chebyshev zerosPoster |
Error bounds for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rulesPresentazione |
Near best discrete polynomial approximation via de la Vallee Poussin meansPresentazione |
On the numerical solution of some nonlinear and nonlocal BVPsPresentazione |
A numerical method for a nonlinear integro-differential boundary value problemPoster |
A numerical approach to some kinetic equations in a dusty plasmaPresentazione |
Numerical methods for CSIE in spaces of weighted continuous functionsPresentazione |