Working paper

Automatic coarsening in Algebraic Multigrid utilizing quality measures for matching-based aggregations Pasqua D'Ambra, Fabio Durastante, Salvatore Filippone, Ludmil Zikatanov

In this paper, we discuss the convergence of an Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) method for general symmetric positive-definite matrices. The method relies on an aggregation algorithm, named coarsening based on compatible weighted matching, which exploits the interplay between the principle of compatible…

(Real-Time) Embedded (ELF band) FSK-PSK Demodulator based on Hilbert Transform

This paper describes a signal processing application an embedded hardware platform, based on Hilbert transform method for demodulation of digital signals.

Evaluating the impact of increasing temperatures on changes in Soil Organic Carbon stocks: sensitivity analysis and non-standard discrete approximation

A novel model is here introduced for theSOC change indexdefinedas the normalized difference between the actual Soil Organic Carbon and thevalue assumed at an initial reference year. It is tailored on the RothC carbonmodel dynamics and assumes as baseline the value of the SOC…

An in-vivo validation of ESI methods with focal sources

Electrical source imaging (ESI) aims at reconstructing the electrical brain activity from measurements of the electric field on the scalp. Even though the localization of single focal sources should be relatively straightforward, different methods provide diverse solutions due to the different…

Inverting the Fundamental Diagram and Forecasting Boundary Conditions: How Machine Learning Can Improve Macroscopic Models for Traffic Flow

In this paper, we aim at developing new methods to join machine learning techniques and macroscopic differential models for vehicular traffic estimation and forecast. It is well known that data-driven and model- driven approaches have (sometimes complementary) advantages and drawbacks. We consider…

Algorithm for the numerical assessment of the conjecture of a subglacial lake at Svalbard, Spitzbergen

The melting of glaciers coming with climate change threatens the heritage of the last glaciation of Europe likely contained in subglacial lakes in Greenland and Svalbard. This aspect urges specialists to focus their studies (theoretical, numerical and on-field) on such fascinating objects. Along…