
Two novel Isolated Populations in the Cilento area

Integrating Collaborative and Cooperative Education in Applied Scientific Computing

Source modelling of ElectroCorticoGraphy (ECoG) data: stability analysis and spatial filtering

Electrocorticography (ECoG) is a neurophysiological modality that measures the distribution of electrical potentials, associated with either spontaneous or evoked neural activity, by means of electrodes grids implanted close to the cortical surface. A full interpretation of ECoG data, however,…

Critical nodes discovery in pathophysiological signaling pathways

Network-based ranking methods (e.g. centrality analysis) have found extensive use in systems medicine for the prediction of essential proteins, for the prioritization of drug targets candidates in the treatment of several pathologies and in biomarker discovery, and for human disease genes…

Kinetics of in vivo proliferation and death of memory and naive CD8 T cells: parameter estimation based on BrdU incorporation in spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow.

Epigenomic and transcriptional effects of Dnmt3b mutations in human ICF syndrome derived B cell lines

Performance of the horizontal gradient model implemented in the MIPAS ESA v8 processor

We present the results of the algorithm modeling the horizontal gradients in the ESA retrieval of MIPAS data ORM v8.

Optimal Lebesgue constants on the square


Carriere e incarichi dei ricercatori: uno sguardo di genere sul CNR

Lo studio che viene presentato è relativo ad una serie di indagini sistematiche che il Comitato pari opportunità (Cpo) del Cnr sta conducendo da anni per monitorare lo sviluppo di carriera dei ricercatori e delle ricercatrici all'interno dell'ente. Vengono considerati vari aspetti quali: l'…

Wavelet density estimation for weighted data