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Some error bounds for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rules

We estimate the error of Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rule applied to a function f, which is supposed locally absolutely continuous in some Besov type spaces, or of bounded variation on [-1,1]. In the first case the error bound concerns the weighted main part phi-modulus of smoothness of f introduced by…

Stability analysis of delayed SIR epidemic models with a class of nonlinear incidence rates

We analyze stability of equilibria for a delayed SIR epidemic model, in which population growth is subject to logistic growth in absence of disease, with a nonlinear incidence rate satisfying suitable monotonicity conditions. The model admits a unique endemic equilibrium if and only if the basic…

A Generalized Model for Scratch Detection

This paper presents a generalization of Kokaram's model for scratch lines detection on digital film materials. It is based on the assumption that scratch is not purely additive on a given image but shows also a destroying effect. This result allows us to design a more efficacious scratch detector…

Flexoelectric switching in cholesteric blue phases

We present computer simulations of the response of a flexoelectric blue phase network, either in bulk or under confinement, to an applied field. We find a transition in the bulk between the blue phase I disclination network and a parallel array of disclinations along the direction of the applied…

Partitioning a macroscopic system into independent subsystems

We discuss the problem of partitioning a macroscopic system into a collection of independent subsystems. The partitioning of a system into replica-like subsystems is nowadays a subject of major interest in several fields of theoretical and applied physics. The thermodynamic approach currently…

Effective action approach to higher-order relativistic tidal interactions in binary

The gravitational-wave signal from inspiralling neutron-star--neutron-star (or black-hole--neutron-star) binaries will be influenced by tidal coupling in the system. An important science goal in the gravitational-wave detection of these systems is to obtain information about the equation of…

Nonlinear stability of smooth solutions of the energy-transport model for semiconductors

We study the L^2 stability of a classical solution of the one-dimensional energy transport model for semiconductors on the whole rel line, under the assumption that the thermodynamic variables remain bounded. The solution converges asymptotically in time to a state in thermodynamic equilibrium.

Some remarks on malicious and negligent data breaches

Digitization offers great opportunities as well as new challenges. Indeed, these opportunities entail increased cyber risks, both from deliberate cyberattacks and from incidents caused by inadvertent human error. Cyber risk must be mastered, and to this aim, its quantification is an urgent…

Gyroscope precession along general timelike geodesics in a Kerr black hole spacetime

The precession angular velocity of a gyroscope moving along a general geodesic in the Kerr spacetime is analyzed using the geometric properties of the spacetime. Natural frames along the gyroscope world line are explicitly constructed by boosting frames adapted to fundamental observers. A novel…

Extreme Events in the Dispersions of Two Neighboring Particles Under the Influence of Fluid Turbulence

We present a numerical study of two-particle dispersion from point sources in three-dimensional incompressible homogeneous and isotropic turbulence at Reynolds number Re?300. Tracer particles are emitted in bunches from localized sources smaller than the Kolmogorov scale. We report the first…