Assimilation of Insar Propagation Delay Maps in High-Resolution Numerical Weather Model: Imaging of Water Vapor Structures in Atmosphere

In this work we present a methodology to estimate the 3D distribution of water vapor in atmosphere based on the use of SAR interferometry (InSAR) and Sentinel-l data. Maps of propagation delay in atmosphere are assimilated in a high resolution Numerical Weather Model to enhance the forecast of atmosphere parameters. These are used to compute the atmosphere refractivity. Furthermore, 3D maps of hydrometers in atmosphere are derived after the assimilation of InSAR data. Both refractivity and hydrometeors maps are used to map 3D Water vapor patterns in atmosphere. Examples of InSAR signatures of water vapor in atmosphere are shown. We show how the 3D maps liquid refractivity and hydrometeors can be a useful tool to map moisture in atmosphere in case of convective phenomena in atmosphere.
Autori IAC
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Pedro Mateus, Giovanni Nico, Joo Catalo