Compact Ground-Based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Short-range structural monitoring

Recently, structural monitoring by radar remote sensing has become more necessary for both economic and security reasons. Infrastructure monitoring with no incorporated deformation sensors (e.g., old generation water dams for which regulations did not impose monitoring capabilities) is usually performed by regular in situ topographic surveys. However, these surveys cannot be performed very often, and alternative methods are desirable. A feasible nonintrusive way to monitor such a structure is with interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data that can be acquired with monostatic/bistatic sensors.
Autori IAC
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Altri Autori
Anghel, Andrei; Tudose, Mihai; Cacoveanu, Remus; Datcu, Mihai; Nico, Giovanni; Masci, Olimpia; Dongyang, Ao; Tian, Weiming; Hu, Cheng; Ding, Zegang; Nies, Holger; Loffeld, Otmar; Atencia, David; Huaman, Samuel G.; Medella, Aleksander; Moreira, Joao
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers,
IEEE signal processing magazine (Print)