The Boulder Clay (BC) glacier and the surrounding area, partially covered by rock, ice and moraines, are considered by structure and morphology suitable to host a helicopter runway that would support the work efficiency of "Mario Zucchelli" Station and other international operational bases nearby. Actually the quasi-imperceptible slope of the bottom and the rocky containment walls make that area stable and easy to be converted. However an investigation is required on the origin and evolution of non-negligible surface deformations, measured upstream BC middle outlet to the sea by INGV experts. The long-term aim of the IAC work unit is linked to this issue and will be pursued via mathematical-physical modeling and numerical simulation. However the structure and composition of BC glacier impose, first, the upgrade of the constitutive relations. Data from radar survey of the rocky bottom and the external surface of BC, environmental data required in order to close the mathematical-physical model or to validate the numerical simulation code (e.g. geothermal flux, external temperature, local value of deformations and/or velocity of ice) will be provided by INGV work coordination unit. (The present abstract attains the research activity of the unit reaserch of IAC, PI: D. Mansutti)
Ente finanziatore PNRA (MIUR)