Seminario di Daniel Jaschke - Classical simulation for quantum and quantum-inspired for classical problems


Daniel Jaschke is PhD research at INFN Padova & University of Padova, guest researcher collaborating on INFN initiatives and European projects, e.g., the EuroHPC project Textarossa.

The seminar will be held in 4 sessions:

  • Monday 16 December 2024: part I, 2 p.m.
  • Tuesday, 17 December 2024: part II and III, 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 18 December 2024: part IV, 10 a.m.

Abstract of the seminar

We introduce tensor network methods as a computational tool to solve quantum many-body problems. The first two seminars revisit why quantum systems are expensive to emulate on a classical computer and demonstrates the use cases, e.g., a digital twin of a quantum processing unit (QPU), and important aspects of the numerical library that we use, i.e., Quantum TEA.

In the third and four seminars,  we go back to problems from the classical world and look at how quantum-inspired methods approach these problems.

We especially focus on supervised machine learning and integer factorization; the two examples highlight how ideas and insights from quantum technology can be reapplied without a QPU.

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