Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo
"Mauro Picone"
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo
"Mauro Picone"
Inverting the Fundamental Diagram and Forecasting Boundary Conditions: How Machine Learning Can Improve Macroscopic Models for Traffic FlowMAYA BRIANI, EMILIANO CRISTIANI |
Modellistica e calcolo di polimeri semiflessibili in campi esterniANTONIO LAMURA |
Rivoluzioni Matematiche: Teorema del Limite CentraleMARIA FRANCESCA CARFORA |
Role of diagnostic tests in the decision to perform the oral food challenge testDANIELA DE CANDITIIS |
special Issue: Methods and Applications for Anomaly DetectionDANIELA DE CANDITIIS , ANNALISA PASCARELLA |
Computational Methods for Analysis of DNA Methylation DataCHRISTINE NARDINI |
Deliverable D4.1 - Workflow for retrieval and harmonisation of legacy dataCARMELA MARANGI |
Differential effect of electrical stimuli on a 3D bioprinted model of inflamed skinCLAUDIA ANGELINI , CHRISTINE NARDINI |